miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Vocabulary 3

1.Chromium mufflens: A hard,steel-gray substance.

2.Incinerator: A furnace for burning grabage.

3.Hand clutch: A lever that operater the cluthch.The hand clutch connects and disconnects the source of  power on a motorcycle.

4.Fenders: A cover or guard mounted above and around a wheel,as on a car or bicycle.

5.Momentum:  The force or speed that something has whe it moves.

6.Reckless: Careful or cautious raph was a reckless.

7.Exhaust pipe:  A pipe through which gase are released from an engine.

8.Coast: To move or continue to mover without use of power.


9.Threshold: The point where something bigins.A threshold is the same as a beginning..

10.Spokes: Arod or brace that connects the rim of a wheel to its hub.

11.Predicament: A difficult or embarrassing situation.


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