martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

The blossoms meet the the vulture lady

The blossons Meet the Vulture Lady in this story gunior makes a coyote trap,but the door closes and he is alone and trapped. Nobody knows what happened. he invented the trap and connot come out of it. He asked for help. No ond hearde. The his dog Meed appears and he thinks tha Mud could help, but he let go and ran away.
The family noticed tha guñon was missuig. Mud leaded them as they looked for gunior.
Then mad Mary appeared and found gunior in the cage. She thinks thet someone was cruel.She opens the door and carries him in her arms. She carries him to her cave. After that his family appeared, but he was not in the cage. The ending is to be we do´t know what happened whith junior.

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